Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Beggings

So where do I begin....oh yeah! My sister, yelizabeta convinced me to "blog"......I'll be honest, I'm a bit hesitant about this and not sure for how long I'll be committed to this craze.

I'm what you call "your average Russian" living somewhat of a vanilla, boring life with an exception to the new addition to my family. So, yeah......Stella has officially crowned me with a "mom" title. As a new mom, every day is an educational adventure.

After a 48 hour horrendous labor experience, I decided to file that madness deep down in my brain.

                         after laying the hospital bed for 15 hours, I decided to stand for a while

                                          Texting the latest labor updates to friends and family

                                     Stella was born weighing 8 lb 10 oz and 21.5 inches long 

                                                                      Proud papa
                                                     Stella with grandpa and auntie Angelina
                                                                     QT with grandma

                                                        Ma and Pa came out to visit us

                                                        Papa burping our little munchkin

Sleep. All those people who warned us that, "baby = lack of sleep" they stand corrected.....but they don't tell you that its all worth it. Yes, I went from sleeping an average of 7 hours of sleep, down to 3-4 hours per night. Do I have dark bags underneath my eyes? Absolutely! But I look at them as my honor batch's of being a caring, loving mom....besides, God created smart individuals whom fabricated make-up!.....at least that's what I tell myself when catching a rear appearance of my reflection in the mirror now a days.

My little one


  1. i teared up. thanks for posting this! i cant wait to see you all the more and give you a long hug. you are doing a great job!

  2. thank you for starting this blog! i keep reviewing those text message pics of her you sent me. it's so nice to read about you paving the way for a sista, haha. i bet you're extraordinary.
